Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Vote Match

I shall be attending the launch of Vote Match - on the 11th May - hosted by Stephen Fry (who is a bit of a spit for my brother). Anyway, if you are interested in finding out which party (if any!) represents your views in Europe then visit the website and sign up. If you want to change the current two Party system then vote Jury Team on the 4th June.


  1. How did the launch go I couldn't make it?
    I saw the Jury Team profile on large list of candidates across the UK.

  2. I thought it was a good event - although it's going to take a considerable effort (of everyone that attended I think as well as the creators) to get the message out there in time for the European elections. They might be targeting the UK elections next year as a realistic timeframe to get this tool into the psyche of the voting public. What I liked about the tool is that it's a great way of engaging the voting public - sort of like a little on-line dating questionnaire - but for politics. And as far as I can tell - quite accurate. At least I tried the tool myself and I was a perfect match - for myself! Phew!
