Friday, 1 May 2009

European Parliamentary Elections

Vote? Me? Why?

Why? In the European Parliament laws are created that affect us all; government is governed and you can have your say on how that happens. I am an independent candidate standing for a post as an MEP because I believe in having a say.

I am not standing to forward my career, increase my prosperity or enhance my social status. I am standing because I believe that it is possible for the individual, speaking for the community, to make a difference. My background in business, and running a not-for profit movement that supports individuals and organisations to unlock their fullest potential, supports this fact. I believe in a Parliament that has a positive impact on all our lives and creates directives that are more meaningful. Directives that reconnect communities with each other and with the world around us. If the decision makers cannot do this, I will ask them to step aside and let those that can, get on with it.

I am passionate about education, commerce and the environment. As a father I struggle to understand why we accept that we can't get our children into the local schools we want and why our children have to feel an unhealthy anxiety and pressure to succeed. Why do governments really own stakes in the banks and use tax-payers money to pay for the failings of city fat-cats? Why do we accept the excuses as to why we can't cut our dependence on fossil fuels? And ultimately, why do we accept the inequalities in so many aspects of society when it leads to such divisions and terrible conditions? Why do we let politicians compromise our beliefs? It would be wonderful if we all took responsibility for our own actions, but that doesn't always happen. However, in government, it must. Those in government have an added responsibility that comes with the post. They have a duty to challenge the lies and the compromises that burden all of us. This duty I take seriously.

Current party political systems have turned politics into the reserve of a small and increasingly distant group of career politicians - politicians out of touch with the electorate. As an independent candidate supported by The Jury Team, my connection to the electorate is of utmost importance to me. The Jury Team supports as many independent candidates as possible in order to restore democracy and integrity to our democratic system. It is this independence that creates a voice for the electorate.

This blog is so you have direct contact with me. On it you may follow my campaign activity, review some of my specific policies, post comments and ask questions. This blog is not just a campaign tool, it serves as a real example of my ethics and beliefs; transparency, accountability, integrity, and a truly democratic government that reflects the beliefs and desires of the electorate. If these reflections resonate with you, make sure you use your vote on 4th June.

Vote for The Jury Team. Vote Andrew Armes. Vote to ask why.

The East of England region includes: Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Herts, Norfolk and Suffolk

1 comment:

  1. This is what we need. People who are prepared to stand up and be counted. People with experience in the real world. People to challenge the 'career politicians' who do strange things like sit on their hands and get whipped. People who are people. Normal people. Good luck Andrew!
