Wednesday 20 May 2009

The power of celebrity...

Well the official launch of the Jury Team went well, and (I hope) the appearance of Esther Rantzen (who I chased all day yesterday) seemed to be of great benefit. It certainly meant nearly ALL the terrestial channels were there, BBC, Channel 4 and 5. I hope it doesn't overshadow the powerful message that underpins the Jury Team - and that it is seen favourably, and that it's not just about whether Esther will run to be MP of Luton South or not. It's a funny thing really, as Independents agreeing to the Nolan Principles we stand for ideals, and for not compromising on those ideals, and yet here we are leveraging celebrity for the PR it gets. I suppose when you have a "why" you can stand any "how", but I hope the power of the truth isn't in fact lessened by the Trojan horse of using Celebrity to get a message across. I managed to pass her my number stating I'd love to discuss Luton South (as it does fall into the Eastern Region), but I was fighting for her "airtime" with the BBC interviewers at the time so I'm not sure if she heard - I hope so...

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